Public Plans
Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Plans (1472)
NIH-Default DMSP
Placental and breastmilk microRNAs in relation to early-life growth and metabolism
Elizabeth Goehring, Emory University (
Digital Curation Centre (português)
Empreendedores, desigualdades sociais e networking: Os casos de start-ups da aceleradora Nexus em São José dos Campos (SP)
Guilherme Fagundes, Universidade de São Paulo (
SMART Grants Stage 1 Data Management Plan (DMP)
Michael Hale, United States Department of Transportation (DOT) (
NASA Heliophysics Science Division - Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)
test of v4 system after migration of data
Brian Riley, University of California, Office of the President (UCOP)
NIH-FDP Pilot Template Bravo
Modeling Hormone and Genetic Mechanisms Driving Sex Differences in Influenza Immunity
Sabra Klein, Johns Hopkins University (
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Testing DMPTool v5
Brian Riley, University of California, Office of the President (UCOP)
Digital Curation Centre
Multivariate Analysis for Linear Erosive Process Modeling.
PLEASE UPDATE PLEASE UPDATE, São Paulo State University (
NIH-Default DMSP
Building an integrated framework to understand neurodevelopmental disorders
Stefan Lemke, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) (
Digital Curation Centre
Loving Thy Neighbor in Theory and Practice
Blaine Fowers, University of Miami (