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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (1472)

NSF-CISE: Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Integrating advanced computing in STEM education

Dev Shrestha, University of Idaho (
Digital Curation Centre

Trends in Attitudes of the American Public: an US-based Public Opinion Longitudinal Survey

Mehol Jamnadas, Non Partner Institution
National Institute of Justice (DOJ)

Assessment of Integration and Coordination of Services for Women experiencing SUDS and IPV: Building Capacities and Collaboration in Philadelphia

Bernie Newman, Temple University (
Department of Energy (DOE): Office of Science

The Nucleon Axial-Vector Form Factor at the Physical Point with the HISQ Ensembles

Ciaran Hughes, Non Partner Institution
Department of Defense (DOD)

Baylor University Food Insecurity Sample DMP

Christina Chan, Baylor University (
Template USP - Baseado no DCC

Test data generation for image processing - Systematic Mapping

Fátima L. S. Nunes, Universidade de São Paulo (
NSF-CISE: Computer and Information Science and Engineering

CAPERS - Cloud Applications and Platforms Enhancing Research Scalability

Lew Lefton, Georgia Institute of Technology
Digital Curation Centre

Scientific Journals publishing

Namig Isayev, Non Partner Institution
IMLS: Datasets

As bibliotecas universitárias diante das mudanças contemporâneas

Flavia Bastos, São Paulo State University (
Digital Curation Centre

Recursive Solver for Sudoku

Ninad Mohale, Michigan Technological University (